Friday, 9 December 2011

Slow Computer

There's that great feeling
when you buy a new computer. Turn it on and it zips straight to the desktop. Use it for a few years and it starts to slow. Sometimes very slowly. So why does this happen and how can it be repaired?

A computer is one great big filing cabinet with auto retrieval system that doesn't always organise the cabinet in an efficient way  during operation. In one sense it basically drops information into the cabinet wherever it can find a space and then leaves a little yellow sticker at top so that anyone searching for the info doesn't have to delve into the file but simply scan the sticker.  If a real paper cabinet was run this way there are two ways of looking at it. Sit down and laugh or loose your rocker. I prefer sit down and laugh although I wouldn't want it to be my cabinet.

Real computer hard drives that store information have to be able to find that information. The tools for retrieval are in the registry. A damaged registry occurs through software and hardware malfunctions. Hard malfunctions are fixed by using new physical parts. Software errors are resolved by using registry cleaner or if confident and skilled entering the registry and making changes.

Look at it this way. Your business filing cabinet has been organised like a corrupted hard drive.What do you do? Files required in a hurry just aren't going to happen. You will need the person who put the files there to retrieve, hoping that they remember where things are or to go through every single file and reorganise it.  A long winded and laborious task. Fortunately electronic hard drives are usually repairable using registry cleaners or by using UBCD.

 A slow computer may not be completely corrupted but may need reorganising of the files because they are literally scattered all over the drive. Run the disk de-fragmenter. If  it runs very slowly attempt a registry clean first. Use a decent cleaner. There are many on the market. Download a trial and pay for the upgrade if satisfied with the performance.

For further details relating to registries

Be aware that unskilled manipulation of the registry can adversely affect a computer.

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