Friday, 17 July 2015

Removing   Virus    Mysearch123

1.  Uninstall  at  control  Panel
2.  Change  Browser  settings
3.  Run  Anti  Malware  software
4.  Remove  from  services,  shortcuts  and  programs  that  start automatically.

This  malware  can  be  very  annoying. It  can  be  removed  in  part  but  will  return  if  the machine has not been completely  disinfected.  Its  probably  a  good  idea  to  run  an  anti  Malware  software package first.


Test and Tag Computers

Beepingcomputer offers  Test  and  Tag  services  for  the domestic  and  commercial  areas  in  the  Illawarra  region  of  NSW.  We also  ...

Save the EARTH !

Surf the net, Surf the Waves